
Da-Lin Zhang

Curriculum Vitae

Personal Information

Address: Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland 20742-2425
Tel. (301) 405-2018; Fax: (301) 314-9482
Email: dalin@atmos.umd.edu

Educational Background:

  • 1976: B.S.(equivalence), Engineering Mechanics, University of Science & Technology of China

  • 1981: M. S., Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
    Thesis: "A Verification of One-Dimensional Model Simulation of the Planetary Boundary Layer over Dry and Moist Terrain," 91pp.
    Advisor: Dr. R. A. Anthes

  • 1985: Ph.D., Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
    Thesis: "Nested-Grid Simulation of the Meso-beta-Scale Structure and Evolution of the Johnstown Flood of July 1977," 270pp.
    Advisor: Dr. J. M. Fritsch

    Professional Employment:

    1996-Present: Associate & Full Professor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Maryland
    1989 -1996: Assistant & Associate Professor, Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences, McGill University.
    1988 - 1989: Research Associate, Department of Physics, University of Toronto
    1986 - 1988: Postdoctoral Fellow, Advanced Study Program, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
    1980 -1986: Graduate Research Assistant (1980-85) & Research Associate (1985-86), Department of Meteorology, The Pennsylvania State University
    1976 - 1980: Research Assistant, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Academia Sinica

    Awards and Honors:

  • 2015, 2006: NASA's Group Achievement Award.
  • 2015: Tarbell Lecture, The Penn State University.
  • 2009: Outstanding Service to Advances in Atmospheric Sciences as Co-Chief Editor during 2003-2008, IAMAS/IAP.
  • 2006: Fellow, American Meteological Society.
  • 2006: ISI ranked 6th globally in Tropical Storm citations, and a paper ranked as the 6th most cited.
  • 2006: ISI ranked UMD 17th globally in Tropical Storm citations.
  • 1997: Fellow, Royal Meteorological Society.
  • 1991: The Clarence Leroy Meisinger Award, American Meteorological Society, "for pioneering work in the understanding and numerical modeling of mesoscale convective weather systems."

    Refereed Publications (Google Scholar) :

    1. Zhang, D. and R.A. Anthes, 1982: A high-resolution model of the planetary boundary layer - Sensitivity tests and comparisons with SESAME-79 data. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 21, 1594-1609. PDF

    2. Zhang, D.-L., H.-R. Chang, N.L. Seaman, T.T. Warner and J.M. Fritsch, 1986: A two-way interactive nesting procedure with variable terrain resolution. Monthly Weather Review, 114, 1330-1339. PDF

    3. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1986: Numerical simulation of the meso-beta-scale structure and evolution of the 1977 Johnstown flood. Part I: Model description and verification. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 43, 1913-1943. PDF

    4. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1986: A case study of the sensitivity of numerical simulation of mesoscale convective systems to varying initial conditions. Monthly Weather Review, 114, 2418-2431. PDF

    5. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1987: Numerical simulation of the meso-beta-scale structure and evolution of the 1977 Johnstown flood. Part II: Inertially stable warm-core vortex and the mesoscale convective complex. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 44, 2593-2612. PDF

    6. Zhang, D.-L., E.-Y. Hsie and M.W. Moncrieff, 1988: A comparison of explicit and implicit predictions of convective and stratiform precipitating weather systems with a meso-beta-scale numerical model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 114, 31-60. PDF

    7. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1988: Numerical sensitivity experiments of varying model physics on the structure, evolution and dynamics of two mesoscale convective systems. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 261-293. PDF

    8. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1988: Numerical simulation of the meso-beta-scale structure and evolution of the 1977 Johnstown flood. Part III: Internal gravity waves and the squall line. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 45, 1252-1268. PDF

    9. Zhang, D.-L., and J.M. Fritsch, 1988: A numerical investigation of a convectively generated, inertially stable, extratropical warm-core mesovortex over land. Part I: Structure and evolution. Monthly Weather Review, 116, 2660-2687. PDF

    10. Zhang, D.-L., K. Gao and D.B Parsons, 1989: Numerical simulation of an intense squall line during 10 - 11 June 1985 PRE-STORM. Part I: Model verification. Monthly Weather Review, 117, 960-994. PDF

    11. Zhang, D.-L., and K. Gao, 1989: Numerical simulation of an intense squall line during 10 - 11 June 1985 PRE-STORM. Part II: Rear inflow, surface pressure perturbations and stratiform precipitation. Monthly Weather Review, 117, 2067-2094. PDF

    12.(a) Zhang, D.-L., 1989: The effect of parameterized ice microphysics on the simulation of vortex circulation with a mesoscale hydrostatic model. Tellus, 41A, 132-147. PDF
    (b) Zhang, D.-L., 1989: Corrigendum - The effect of parameterized ice microphysics on the simulation of vortex circulation with a mesoscale hydrostatic model. Tellus, 41A, 447-449. PDF

    13. Gao, K., D.-L. Zhang, M.W. Moncrieff and H.-R. Cho, 1990: Mesoscale momentum budget in a midlatitude squall line: A numerical case study. Monthly Weather Review, 118, 1011-1028. PDF

    14. Zhang, D.-L., and H.-R. Cho, 1992: The development of negative moist potential vorticity in the stratiform region of a simulated squall line. Monthly Weather Review, 120, 1322-1341. PDF

    15. Zhang, D.-L., 1992: The formation of a cooling-induced mesovortex in the trailing stratiform region of a midlatitude squall line. Monthly Weather Review, 120, 2763-2785. PDF

    16. Zhang, D.-L., 1992: Numerical simulation of the internal structure of a mesoscale convective system. In the book: East Asia & West Pacific Meteorology & Climate (II), Edited by W.J. Kyle and C.P. Chang, World Scientific, 421-428.

    17. Zhang, D.-L., and Z. Wang, 1993: A meso-beta-scale kinetic energy analysis of a midlatitude squall system. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 71, 469-490. PDF

    18. Zhang, D.-L., 1993: The development of mesovortices in the stratiform region of a midlatitude squall line. In the book: Climate, Environment & Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Edited by D. Ye, Q. Zeng, G. Wu & Z. Zhang, China Meteorological Press, 239-253.

    19. Kelly, R., J. Gyakum, D.-L. Zhang and P.J. Roebber, 1994: A diagnostic study of the early phases of sixteen north-Pacific cyclones. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan, 72, 515-530. PDF

    20. Gao, K., and D.-L. Zhang, 1994: The roles of diabatic model physics in the meso-beta-scale simulation of a midlatitude squall line. Acta Meteorologica Sinica (in Chinese), 52, 321-331.

    21. Zhang, D.-L., J.S. Kain, J.M. Fritsch and K. Gao, 1994: Comments on: "Parameterization of convective precipitation in mesoscale numerical models: A critical review." Monthly Weather Review, 122, 2222-2231. PDF Reply of J. Molinari and M. Dudek PDF .

    22. Blair, S., D.-L. Zhang and J. Mailhot, 1994: Numerical prediction of the 10-11 June 1985 squall line with the Canadian Regional Finite-Element model. Weather and Forecasting, 9, 157-172. PDF

    23. Blair, S., D.-L. Zhang and J. Mailhot, 1995: Numerical simulation of an intense convective system associated with the July 1987 Montreal flood. Part I: Gravity waves and the squall line. Atmosphere - Ocean, 33, 447-473. PDF.

    24. Blair, S., D.-L. Zhang and J. Mailhot, 1995: Numerical simulation of an intense convective system associated with the July 1987 Montreal flood. Part II: A trailing stratiform rainband. Atmosphere - Ocean, 33, 475-500. PDF.

    25. Huo, Z., D.-L. Zhang, J. Gyakum and A. Staniforth, 1995: A diagnostic analysis of the superstorm of March 1993. Monthly Weather Review, 123, 1740-1761. PDF

    26. Zhang, D.-L., and R. Harvey, 1995: Enhancement of extratropical cyclogenesis by a mesoscale convective system. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 52, 1107-1127. PDF

    27. Zhang, D.-L., and H.-R. Cho, 1995: Three-dimensional simulation of frontal rainbands and conditional symmetric instability in the Eady-wave model. Tellus, 47A, 45-61. PDF

    28. Gyakum, J.R., M. Carrera, D.-L. Zhang, S. Miller, J. Caveen, R. Benoit, T. Black, A. Buzzi, C. Chouinard, M. Fantini, C. Folloni, J.J. Katzfey, Y.-H. Kuo, F. O. Lalaurette, S. Low-Nam, J. Mailhot, P. Malguzzi, J.L. McGregor, M. Nakamura, G. Tripoli and C. Wilson, 1996: A regional model intercomparison using a case of explosive oceanic cyclogenesis. Weather and Forecasting, 11, 521-543. PDF

    29. Zhang, D.-L. and N. Bao, 1996: Oceanic cyclogenesis as induced by a mesoscale convective system moving offshore. Part I: A 90-h real-data simulation. Monthly Weather Review, 124, 1449-1469. PDF

    30. Zhang, D.-L. and N. Bao, 1996: Oceanic cyclogenesis as induced by a mesoscale convective system moving offshore. Part II: Genesis and thermodynamic transformation. Monthly Weather Review, 124, 2206-2225. PDF

    31. Gyakum, J., D.-L. Zhang, J. Witte, K. Thomas and W. Wintels, 1996: CASP II and Canadian cyclones during the 1989-92 cold seasons. Atmosphere - Ocean, 34, 1-16. PDF.

    32. Huo, Z., D.-L. Zhang and J. Gyakum, 1996: The life cycle of the intense IOP-14 storm during CASP II. Part I: Analysis and simulations. Atmosphere - Ocean, 34, 51-80. PDF.

    33. Huo, Z., D.-L. Zhang and J. Gyakum, 1996: The life cycle of the intense IOP-14 storm during CASP II. Part II: Sensitivity experiments. Atmosphere - Ocean, 34, 81-102. PDF.

    34. Zhang, D.-L., 1996: Book Review: "Dynamics of Atmospheric Motion (Dover Publications, Inc., 617pp)" by John A. Dutton, Bulletin of the Canadian Meteorological & Oceanic Society, 24, pg. 32.

    35. Liu, Y., D.-L. Zhang and M.K. Yau, 1997: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part I: Explicit simulation and verification. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 3073-3093. PDF

    36. Zhang, D.-L. and K. MacGillivray, 1997: A numerical investigation of a moderate coastal storm with intense precipitation. Atmosphere-Ocean, 35, 161-187. PDF.

    37. Blair, S. and D.-L. Zhang, 1997: A numerical study of the along-line variability of a frontal squall line during PRE-STORM. Monthly Weather Review, 125, 2544-2561. PDF

    38. Kuo, Y.-H., J. Bresch, M.-D. Cheng, J. Kain, D.B. Parsons, W.-K. Tao and D.-L. Zhang, 1997: Summary of a mini-workshop on cumulus parameterization for mesoscale models. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 78, 475-491.

    39. (a) Zhang, D.-L., 1998: Roles of various diabatic physical processes in mesoscale models (in Chinese). Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 22, 548-561.
    (b) Zhang, D.-L., 1998: The effects of diabatic physical processes on the simulations of mesoscale convective systems. Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 22, 435-451.

    40. Huo, Z., D.-L. Zhang, and J. Gyakum, 1998: An application of potential vorticity inversion to improving the numerical prediction of the March 1993 superstorm. Monthly Weather Review, 126, 424-436. PDF

    41. Carrera, M., J. R. Gyakum and D. -L. Zhang, 1999: A numerical sensitivity study of secondary marine cyclogenesis to initial error and varying physical processes. Monthly Weather Review , 127, 641-660. PDF

    42. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M.K. Yau, 1999: Surface winds at landfall of Hurricane Andrew (1992) - A reply. PDF To the Comments of M. Powell and S. Houston PDF . Monthly Weather Review, 127, 1711-1721.

    43. Zhang, D.-L., E. N. Radeva and J. Gyakum, 1999: A family of frontal cyclones over the Western Atlantic ocean. Part I: A 60-h simulation. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 1725-1744. PDF

    44. Zhang, D.-L., E. N. Radeva and J. Gyakum, 1999: A family of frontal cyclones over the Western Atlantic ocean. Part II: Parameter studies. Monthly Weather Review , 127, 1745-1760. PDF

    45. Huo, Z., D.-L. Zhang and J. Gyakum 1999: The interaction of potential vorticity anomalies in extratropical cyclogenesis. Part I: Static piecewise inversion. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 2546-2561. PDF

    46. Huo, Z.-H., D.-L. Zhang and J. Gyakum 1999: The interaction of potential vorticity anomalies in extratropical cyclogenesis. Part II: Sensitivity to initial perturbations. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 2563-2575. PDF

    47. Liu, Y., D.-L. Zhang and M.K. Yau, 1999: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part II: Kinematics and inner-core structures. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 2597-2616. PDF

    48. Zhang, D.-L. and E. Altshuler, 1999: The effects of dissipative heating on hurricane intensity. Monthly Weather Review, 127, 3032-3038. PDF

    49. Wang, J., and D.-L. Zhang, 2000: A numerical case study of frontal cyclogenesis over the east coast of North America. Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 14 , 173-192.

    50. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M.K. Yau, 2000: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part III: Dynamically-induced vertical motion. Monthly Weather Review, 128, 3772-3788. PDF

    51. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M.K. Yau, 2001: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part IV: Unbalanced flows. Monthly Weather Review, 129, 92-107. PDF

    52. Nagarajan, B., M.K. Yau and D.-L. Zhang, 2001: A numerical study of a mesoscale convective system during TOGA COARE. Part I: Model description and verification. Monthly Weather Review, 129, 2501-2520. PDF

    53. Zhang, D.-L., 2001: Multiscale modeling of hurricanes: A review. In the book: Dynamics of Atmospheric-Oceanic Circulation and Climate (Invited), 727-744.

    54.(a) Lu, H., Z. Ke and D.-L. Zhang, 2001: Mesoscale characteristics of Hurricane Andrew (1992) (in Chinese). Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 25,, 827-836.
    (b) Lu, H., Z. Ke and D.-L. Zhang, 2001: Mesoscale characters of the 1992 Hurricane Andrew (1992). Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 25, 346-356.

    55. Lu, H., Z. Ke and D.-L. Zhang, 2002: A possible developing mechanism of the slantwise updraft in the eyewall of Hurricane Andrew (1992) - Nonlinear convective and symmetrical instability (in Chinese). Scientia Atmospherica Sinica, 26, 83-90.

    56. Zhang, D.-L., 2002: A personal perspective on the reform of the Advances in Atmospheric Sciences. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 19 , 757-764. PDF

    57. Jin, M. and D.-L. Zhang, 2002: Observed variations of leaf area index and its relationship with surface temperatures during warm seasons. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics , 80, 117-129. PDF

    58. Zhu, T., D.-L. Zhang and F. Weng 2002: Impact of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit data on hurricane prediction. Monthly Weather Review, 130, 2416-2432. PDF

    59. Zhang, D.-L., W. Cheng and J. Gyakum 2002: The impact of various potential vorticity anomalies on multiple frontal cyclogenesis events. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society , 128, 1847-1878. PDF

    60. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M.K. Yau, 2002: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew ( 1992). Part V: Inner-core thermodynamics. Monthly Weather Review , 130, 2745-2763. PDF

    61. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Liu and M.K. Yau, 2002: On the formation of the hurricane eye. In Book Series on East Asia Meteorology, Vol. 1, Edited by C.P. Chang et al., World Scientific Publishing Company, 219-227.

    62. Zhang, D.-L., W. Zheng and Y.-K. Xue, 2003: A numerical study of early summer regional climate and weather over LSA-East. Part I: Model implementation and verification. Monthly Weather Review , 131, 1895-1909. PDF

    63. Wang, X. and D.-L. Zhang: 2003: Potential vorticity diagnosis of a simulated hurricane. Part I: Formulation and quasi-balanced flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences , 60, 1593-1607. PDF

    64. Zhang, D.-L., and X. Wang, 2003: Dependence of hurricane intensity and structures on vertical resolution and time-step size. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences , 20, 711-725. PDF

    65. Zhu, T., D.-L. Zhang and F. Weng, 2004: Numerical simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part I: Eyewall evolution and intensity changes. Monthly Weather Review , 132, 225-241. PDF

    66. Yau, M.K., Y. Liu, D.-L. Zhang, and Yongsheng Chen, 2004: A multiscale numerical study of Hurricane Andrew (1992). Part VI: Small-scale inner-core structures and wind streaks. Monthly Weather Review , 132, 1410-1433. PDF

    67. Zhang, D.-L. and W.-Z. Zheng, 2004: Diurnal cycles of surface winds and temperatures as simulated by five boundary-layer parameterizations. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 43, 157-169. PDF

    68. Nagarajan, B., M.K. Yau and D.-L. Zhang, 2004: A numerical study of a mesoscale convective system during TOGA COARE. Part II: Organization. Monthly Weather Review , 132,1000-1017. PDF

    69. Zhang, D.-L., 2004: Emergency response and disaster mitigation: A review of the US Information Management architecture (in Chinese). Natural Disaster Reduction in China, 52, 51-53.

    70. Cao, Z., and D.-L. Zhang, 2004: Track surface cyclones with moist potential vorticity. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 21, 830-835. PDF

    71. Wu, G.-X., H. Wang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2004: Editorial statement- Action and policy. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 21, 382. PDF

    72. Jin, M., R.E. Dickinson and D.-L. Zhang, 2005: The footprint of urban areas on global climate as characterized by MODIS. Journal of Climate, 18, 1551-1565. PDF

    73. Zhang, D.-L., and J. Zhu, 2005: Editorial - A special issue for the Third International Ocean-Atmosphere Conference. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 22(6).

    74. Zhang, D.-L., and C. Q. Kieu, 2005: Shear-forced vertical circulations in tropical cyclones. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L13822, doi:10.1029/2005GL023146. PDF

    75. Zhang, D.-L., 2005: A review of centenary advances and prospects in atmospheric sciences (in Chinese). Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 63, 812-824. PDF

    76. Cao, Z., and D.-L. Zhang, 2005: Sensitivity of cyclone tracks to the initial moisture distribution: A moist potential vorticity perspective. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 22, 807-820. PDF

    77. Zhang, D.-L., and C. Q. Kieu, 2006: How tropical cyclones resist destruction from vertical shear. Conference Notebook, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 87, 22-23.

    78. Wu, G., H. Wang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2006: Editorial statement. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23, 542.

    79. Zhu, T., and D.-L. Zhang, 2006: Numerical simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part II: Sensitivity to cloud microphysical processes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 63, 109-126. PDF

    80. Zhang, D.-L., S. Zhang, and S. Weaver, 2006: Low-level jets over the Mid-Atlantic states: Warm-season climatology and a case study. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 45, 194-209. PDF

    81. Zhu, T. and D.-L. Zhang, 2006: The impact of the storm-induced SST cooling on hurricane intensity. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 23, 14-22. PDF

    82. Li, M., L. Zhong, W. C. Boicourt, S. Zhang and D.-L. Zhang, 2006: Hurricane-induced storm surges, currents and destratification in a semi-enclosed bay. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L02604, doi:10.1029/2005GL024992. PDF

    83. Liu, H., D.-L. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2006: Recent advances in regional climate modeling research and applications (in Chinese). Climatic and Environmental Research, 11, 649-668. PDF

    84. Li, X., S. Zhang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2006: Thermodynamic, cloud microphysical, and rainfall responses to initial moisture perturbations in the tropical deep convective regime. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 111, D14207, doi:10.1029/2005JD006968. PDF

    85. Zhang, D.-L., and C. Q. Kieu, 2006: Potential vorticity diagnosis of a simulated hurricane. Part II: Quasi-balanced contributions to forced secondary circulations. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 63, 2898-2914. PDF

    86. Li, Z. , L. Chiu, S. Weng, D.-L. Zhang, J. Du, J. Huang, M. Jin, H. Jung, F.-C. Ko, S. Lu, S. Yang, and D. Yuan, 2007: The rapid growth of publications by atmospheric and oceanic scientists of Chinese origin. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 846-848. PDF

    87. Halverson, J.B., M. Black, S. Braun, D. Cecil, M. Goodman, A. Heymsfield, G. Heymsfield, R. Hood,T. Krishnamurti, G. McFarquhar, J. Molinari, R. Rogers, J. Turk, C. Velden, D.-L. Zhang, E. Zipser, and R. Kakar, 2007: NASA's Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) Experiment: Investigating tropical cyclogenesis and hurricane intensity change. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 867-882. PDF

    88. Li, M., L. Zhong, W. C. Boicourt, S. Zhang and D.-L. Zhang, 2007: Hurricane-induced destratification and restratification in a partially-mixed estuary. Journal of Marine Research, 65, 169-192. PDF

    89. Lu, H., W. Zhong, and D.-L. Zhang, 2007: Current understanding of wave characteristics in tropical storms (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 31, 1140-1151.

    90. Yang, M.-J., D.-L. Zhang, and H.-L. Huang, 2008: A modeling study of Typhoon Nari (2001) at landfall. Part I: Topographic effects. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 3095-3115. PDF

    91. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2008: Genesis of Tropical Storm Eugene (2005) from merging mesovortices associated with ITCZ breakdowns. Part I: Observational and modeling analyses. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 3419-3439. PDF

    92. Wu, G., H. Wang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2008: Editorial: AAS has been accepted for coverage by the Science Citation Index in 2009. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 25, 705-708. PDF

    93. Liu, H., D.-L. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2008: Daily to Submonthly Weather and Climate Characteristics of the Summer 1998 Extreme Rainfall over the Yangtze River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 113, D22101, doi:10.1029/2008JD010072. PDF

    94. Park S. K., D.-L. Zhang, and H. H. Kim, 2008: Impact of dropwindsonde data on the track forecasts of a tropical cyclone - An observing-systems simulation experiment study . Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 44, 85-92. PDF

    95. Zhong, W., H. Lu, and D.-L. Zhang: 2008: Diagnoses of quasi-balanced flows in an asymmetric intense hurricane. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 51, 657 - 667.

    96. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2009: Genesis of Tropical Storm Eugene (2005) from merging vortices associated with ITCZ breakdowns. Part II: Roles of vortex merger and ambient potential vorticity. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 1980-1996. PDF

    97. Deng, G., D.-L. Zhang, T. Zhu and A. Wang, 2009: Use of the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit data to improve typhoon prediction. Progress in Natural Sciences, 19, 369-376. PDF

    98. Shi, S.-J., J.-H. Jin, and D.-L. Zhang, 2009: The wavenumber-1 asymmetric rainfall distribution of Tropical Storm Bilis (2006) during the landfall (in Chinese). Journal of Tropical Oceanography, 28, 34-42.

    99. Zhong, W., D.-L. Zhang, H. Lu, and L. Tian, 2009: Contribution of quasi-balanced and unbalanced circulations to deep moist convection in Typhoon Nari (2001) (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 33, 751-759.

    100. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2009: An analytical model for the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 135, 1336-1349. PDF

    101. Hogsett, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2009: Numerical simulation of Hurricane Bonnie (1998). Part III: Energetics. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 2678-2696. PDF

    102. Zhong, W., D.-L. Zhang, and H. Lu, 2009: A theory for mixed vortex Rossby-gravity waves in tropical cyclones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66, 3366-3381. PDF

    103. Zhang, M., D.-L. Zhang, and A. Wang, 2009: Numerical simulation of torrential rainfall and vortical hot towers in a midlatitude mesoscale convective system. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 2, 189-193. PDF

    104. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Shou, and R. Dickerson, 2009: Upstream urbanization exacerbates urban heat island effects. Geophysical Research Letters, L24401, doi:10.1029/2009GL041082. PDF Nature's highlight.

    105. Zhang, W., D.-L. Zhang, A. Wang, and X. Cui, 2009: An investigation of the genesis of Typhoon Durian (2001) from a monsoon trough (in Chinese). Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 67, 811-827.

    106. Zhong, W., H. Lu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: Mesoscale barotropic instability of vortex-Rossby waves in tropical cyclones. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 27, 243-252. PDF

    107. Gallus, W. A., Jr., B. A. Colle, D.-L. Zhang, and P. Schumacher, 2010: Editorial. Weather and Forecasting, 25, 3-4. PDF

    108. Shou, Y., and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: Impact of environmental flows on the urban daytime boundary layer structures over the Baltimore metropolitan region. Atmospheric Science Letters, 11, 1 - 6. PDF

    109. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: Genesis of Tropical Storm Eugene (2005) from merging vortices associated with ITCZ breakdowns. Part III: Sensitivity to various genesis parameters. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 1745-1758. PDF

    110. Zhong, W., H. Lu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: Diagnoses of quasi-balanced flows in an asymmetric intense hurricane. Part II: Wave structure. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 53, 901 - 914.

    111. Liu, H., D.-L. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2010: Impact of horizontal resolution on the regional climate simulations of the Summer 1998 extreme rainfall along the Yangtze-River Basin. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 115, D12115, doi:10.1029/2009JD012746. PDF

    112. Kieu, C. Q., H. Chen, and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: An examination of the pressure - wind relationship in intense tropical cyclones. Weather and Forecasting, 25, 895-907. PDF

    113. Zhong, L., M. Li, and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: How do uncertainties in Hurricane model forecasts affect storm surge predictions in a semi-enclosed bay? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 90, 61-72. PDF

    114. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: A piecewise potential vorticity inversion algorithm and its application to hurricane inner-core anomalies. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 2616-2631. PDF

    115. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: On the consistency between dynamical and thermodynamic equations with prescribed vertical motion in an analytical tropical cyclone model. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 136, 1927-1930. PDF Reply to Comments of M. Montgomery and R. Smith .

    116. Hogsett, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2010: Genesis of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a Westerly Wind Burst associated with the MJO. Part I: Evolution of a vertically tilted precursor vortex. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 67, 3774-3792. PDF

    117. Hogsett, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2011: Genesis of Typhoon Chanchu (2006) from a Westerly Wind Burst associated with the MJO. Part II: Roles of deep convection in tropical transition. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 68, 1377-1396. PDF

    118. Yang, M.-J., D.-L. Zhang, X.-D. Tang, and Y. Zhang, 2011: A modeling study of Typhoon Nari (2001) at landfall. Part II: Structural changes and terrain-induced asymmetry. Journal of Geosphysical Research: Atmospheres, 116, D09112, doi:10.1029/2010JD015445. PDF

    119. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Shou, R. Dickerson, and F. Chen, 2011: Impact of upstream urbanization on the urban heat island effects over the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan region. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 50, 2012-2029. PDF

    120. Chen, H., D.-L. Zhang, J. Carton, and R. Atlas, 2011: On the rapid intensification of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part I: Model prediction and structural changes. Weather and Forecasting, 26, 885-901. PDF

    121. Loughner, C. P., D. J. Allen, R. R. Dickerson, K. E. Pickering, D.-L. Zhang, and Y. Shou, 2011: Impact of fair-weather cumulus clouds and the Chesapeake Bay breeze on pollutant transport and transformation. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 4060-4072. PDF

    122. Zhang, D.-L., L. Tian, and M.-J. Yang, 2011: Genesis of Typhoon Nari (2001) from a mesoscale convective system. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmosphere, 116, D23104, doi:10.1029/2011JD016640. PDF

    123. Liu, H., and D.-L. Zhang, 2012: Analysis and prediction of hazard risks caused by tropical cyclones in Southern China with fuzzy mathematical and grey models. Applied Mathematical Modeling, 36, 626-637. PDF

    124. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2012: Is the isentropic surface always impermeable to the potential vorticity substance? Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 29, 29-35. PDF

    125. Zhang, M., and D.-L. Zhang, 2012: Sub-kilometer simulation of a torrential-rain-producing mesoscale convective system in East China. Part I: Model verification and convective organization. Monthly Weather Review, 140, 184-201. PDF

    126. Zhang, D.-L., and H. Chen, 2012: Importance of the upper-level warm core in the rapid intensification of a tropical cyclone. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L02806, doi:10.1029/2011GL050578. PDF

    127. Shou, Y., and D.-L. Zhang, 2012: Recent advances in the urban heat island effects research (in Chinese). Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 70, 338-353. PDF

    128. Zhang, D.-L., and L. Zhu, 2012: Roles of upper-level processes in tropical cyclogenesis. Geophysical Research Letters, 39, L17804, doi:10.1029/2012GL053140. PDF

    129. Loughner, C. P., D. J. Allen, D.-L. Zhang, K. E. Pickering, R. R. Dickerson, and L. Landry, 2012: Roles of urban tree canopy and buildings in urban heat island effects: Parameterization and preliminary results. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 51, 1775-1793. doi:10.1175/JAMC-D-11-0228.1. PDF

    130. Shen, Y., D.-L. Zhang, and X. Shen, 2012: Effects of vertical wind shear on the structures and intensity of Hurricane Bonnie (1998) (in Chinese). Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 70, 949-960.

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    132. Liu, H., D.-L. Zhang, J. Chen, and Q. Xu, 2013: Prediction of tropical cyclone frequency with a wavelet neural network prediction model incorporating natural orthogonal expansion and combined weights. Natural Hazards, 65, 63-78. PDF

    133. Zhang, D.-L., Y. Lin, P. Zhao, X. Yu, S. Wang, H. Kang, and Y. Ding, 2013: The Beijing extreme rainfall of 21 July 2012: "Right results" but for wrong reasons. Geophysical Research Letters, 40,1426-1431. PDF

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    135. Luo, Y., W. Qian, R. Zhang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2013: Gridded hourly precipitation analysis from high-density rain-gauge network over the Yangtze-Huai Rivers Basin during the 2007 Meiyu season and comparison with CMORPH. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 14, 1243-1258. PDF

    136. Cecelski, S., and D.-L. Zhang, 2013: Genesis of Hurricane Julia (2010) within an African Easterly wave: Low-level vortices and upper-level warming. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 70, 3799-3817. PDF

    137. Luo, Y., Y. Gong, and D.-L. Zhang, 2014: Initiation and organizational modes in an extreme-rain-producing mesoscale convective system along a Meiyu front in East China. Monthly Weather Review,142, 203-221. PDF

    138. Liu H., J. Yang, D.-L. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2014: Roles of synoptic to quasi-biweekly disturbances in generating the Summer 2003 heavy rainfall in East China. Monthly Weather Review, 142, 886-904. PDF

    139. Li, J., J. Du, D.-L. Zhang, C. Cui, and Y. Liao, 2014: Ensemble-based analysis and sensitivity of mesoscale forecasts of a vortex over southwest China. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 140, 766-782. PDF

    140. Zhong, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2014: An eignmode analysis of mixed Rossby-gravity waves on barotropic vortices. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71, 2186-2203. PDF

    141. Cecelski, S., D.-L. Zhang, and T. Miyoshi, 2014: Genesis of Hurricane Julia (2010) within an African Easterly wave: Developing and non-developing members from WRF-LETKF ensemble forecasts. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71, 2763-2781. PDF

    142. Zhang, D.-L., Z. Cao, J. Ma, and A. Wu, 2014: Summer non-convective severe wind frequency over Ontario and its correlation with tropical Pacific sea-surface temperature. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 1170-1182. PDF

    143. Ding, Y., G. Wu, D.-L. Zhang, and R. Zhang, 2014: Editorial. Journal of Meteorological Research, 28, 669-670. PDF

    144. Cecelski, S., and D.-L. Zhang, 2014: Genesis of Hurricane Julia (2010) within an African easterly wave: Sensitivity analysis of WRF-LETKF ensemble forecasts. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 71, 3180-3201. PDF

    145. Rabenhorst, S., D. N. Whiteman, D.-L. Zhang, and B. Demoz, 2014: A case study of Mid-Atlantic nocturnal boundary-layer events during WAVES 2006. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 53, 2627-2648. PDF

    146. Zhang, D.-L., L. Zhu, X. Zhang, and V. Tallapragada, 2015: Sensitivity of idealized hurricane intensity and structures under varying background flows and initial vortex intensities to different vertical resolutions in HWRF. Monthly Weather Review, 143, 914-932. PDF

    147. Zhong, L., R. Mu, D.-L. Zhang, P. Zhao, Z. Zhang, and N. Wang, 2015: An observational analysis of warm-sector rainfall characteristics associated with the 21 July 2012 Beijing extreme rainfall event. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120, doi: 10.1002/2014JD022686. PDF

    148. Cai, M., D.-L. Zhang, and Q. Xu, 2015: From orographic Rossby waves to non-hydrostatic mesoscale dynamics: A tribute to Prof. Xiaoping Zhou (in Chinese). Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology, 5, 59-62.

    149. Wang D., J.-F. Miao, and D.-L. Zhang, 2015: Numerical simulations of local circulation and its response to land-use change over the Yellow Mountains of China. Journal of Meteorological Research, 29, 667-681. PDF

    150. Zhu, L., D.-L. Zhang, S. F. Cecelski, and X. Shen, 2015: Genesis of Tropical Storm Debby (2006) within an African Easterly wave: Roles of the bottom-up and midlevel pouch processes. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 2267-2285. PDF

    151. Miller, W., H. Chen, and D.-L. Zhang, 2015: On the rapid intensification of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part III: Effects of latent heat of fusion. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 72, 3829-3849. PDF

    152. Xia, R., D.-L. Zhang, and B. Wang, 2015: A cloud-to-ground lightning climatology for Central and Eastern China during 2008-2013. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 54, 2443-2460. PDF

    153. He, M., H. Liu, B. Wang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: A modeling study of a low-level jet along the Yun-Gui Plateau in Southern China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55, 41-60. PDF

    154. Cecelski, S., and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Genesis of Hurricane Julia (2010) within an African easterly wave: Sensitivity to ice microphysics. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55, 79-92. PDF

    155. Cao, Z., and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Analysis of two missed summer heavy rainfall events. Weather and Forecasting, 31, 433-450. PDF

    156. Wei, N., Y. Li, D.-L. Zhang, Z. Mai, and S.-Q. Yang, 2016: A statistical analysis of the relationship between upper-tropospheric cold lows and tropical cyclone track and intensity changes over Western North Pacific. Monthly Weather Review, 144, 1805-1822. PDF

    157. Qin, N., D.-L. Zhang and Y. Li, 2016: A statistical analysis of steady eyewall sizes associated with rapidly intensifying hurricanes. Weather and Forecasting, 31, 737-742. PDF

    158. Luo, Y., W. Qian, Y. Gong, H. Wang, and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Ground-based radar reflectivity mosaic of Meiyu precipitation systems over the Yangtze-Huai Rivers Basin. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 33,1285-1296. PDF

    159. Kieu, C.Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Balanced dynamics in tropical cyclones. Advanced Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques for Tropical Cyclone Predictions (Edited by U.C. Mohanty and S. G. Gopalakrishnan), Springer, 627-650.

    160. Kieu, C.Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Quasi-balanced dynamics in tropical cyclones. Advanced Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques for Tropical Cyclone Predictions (Edited by U.C. Mohanty and S. G. Gopalakrishnan), Springer, 651-668.

    161. Hogsett, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2016: Using budgets to study tropical cyclones. Advanced Numerical Modeling and Data Assimilation Techniques for Tropical Cyclone Predictions (Edited by U.C. Mohanty and S. G. Gopalakrishnan), Springer, 669-689.

    162. Kieu, C., V. Tallapragada, D.-L. Zhang, and Z. Moon, 2016: On the development of double warm cores in intense tropical cyclones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 73, 4487-4506. PDF

    163. Wu, F., X. Cui, D.-L. Zhang, D. Liu, and D.-L. Zheng, 2016: SAFIR-3000 Lightning Statistics over the Beijing Metropolitan Region during 2005-2007. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 55, 2613-2633. PDF

    164. Li, H., X. Cui, and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: On the initiation of an isolated heavy-rain-producing storm near the central urban area of the Beijing metropolitan region. Monthly Weather Review, 145, 181-197. PDF

    165. Jiang, Z., D.-L. Zhang, R. Xia, and T. Qian, 2017: Diurnal variations of pre-summer rainfall over Southern China. Journal of Climate, 30, 755-773. PDF

    166. Shin, J., and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: The impact of moist frontogenesis and tropopause undulation on the intensity, size and structural changes of Hurricane Sandy (2012). Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 74, 893-913. PDF

    167. Luo, Y., R. Zhang, Q. Wan, W. Wong, B. Wang, Y. Lin, Y. Zhu, Z. Hu, X. Zhang, H. Wang, J., Ma, J.-D. Jou, R. H. Johnson, C.-P. Chang, D.-L. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Xia, X. Bao, X. Liu, Y. Chen, H. Huang, M. Gao, Z. Ruan, Z. Cui, Y. Xiao, Z. Meng, J. Sun, H. Wang, X. Peng, N. Hu, Z. Jiang, and J. Yin, 2017: The Southern China Monsoon Rainfall Experiment (SCMREX). Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 999-1013. PDF

    168. Li, H., X. Cui, and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: A statistical analysis of hourly heavy rainfall events over the Beijing metropolitan region during the warm seasons of 2007-2014. International Journal of Climatology, 11, 4027-4042. PDF

    169. Wu, F., X. Cui, D.-L. Zhang, L Qiao, 2017: The relationship of lightning activity and short-duration rainfall events during warm seasons over the Beijing Metropolitan Region. Atmospheric Research,195, 31-43. PDF

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    171. Kieu, C.Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: Comments on "Revisiting the Relationship between Eyewall Contraction and Intensification." Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 74, 4265-4274. PDF. Reply of Stern et al. PDF

    172. Li, H., X. Cui, and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: Sensitivity of the initiation of an isolated thunderstorm over the Beijing metropolitan region to urbanization, terrain morphology and cold outflows. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 143, 3153-3164. PDF

    173. Zhang, F., M. Li, A. Ross, S. B. Lee, and D.-L. Zhang, 2017: Sensitivity analysis of Hurricane Arthur (2014) storm surge forecasts to WRF physics parameterizations and model configurations. Weather and Forecasting, 32, 1745-1764. PDF

    174. Zhang, X., Y. Li, D.-L. Zhang, and L. Chen, 2018: A 65-yr climatology of unusual tracks of tropical cyclones in the vicinity of China's coastal waters. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 155-170. PDF

    175. Gong, Y., Y. Li, and D.-L. Zhang, 2018: A statistic study of unusual tracks of tropical cyclones near Taiwan Island. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 193-206. PDF

    176. Xia, R., D.-L. Zhang, C. Zhang, and Y. Wang, 2018: Synoptic control of convective rainfall rates and cloud-to-ground lightning frequencies in warm-season mesoscale convective systems over North China. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 813-831. PDF.

    177. Wu, F., X. Cui, and D.-L. Zhang, 2018: A lightning-based nowcast-warning approach for short-duration rainfall events: Development and testing over Beijing during the warm seasons of 2006-2007. Atmospheric Research, 205, 2-17. PDF . Press Release by EurekAlert! /AAAS

    178. Huang, L., Y. Luo, and D.-L. Zhang, 2018: The relationship between anomalous pre-summer heavy rainfall over South China and synoptic disturbances. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 3395-3413. PDF

    179. Zhang, G., D.-L. Zhang, and S. Sun, 2018: On the orographically generated low-level easterly jet and severe downslope windstorms of March 2006 over the Tacheng Basin of Northwest China. Monthly Weather Review, 146, 1667-1683. PDF

    180. Kieu, C. Q., and D.-L. Zhang, 2018: The control of environmental stratification on the hurricane maximum potential intensity. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 4265-4274. PDF.

    181. Liu, X., Y. Luo, Z. Guan, D.-L. Zhang, and M. Wu, 2018: An extreme rainfall event in Coastal Guangdong during SCMREX-2014: On the roles of echo and rainband trainings. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123, 9256-9278. PDF.

    182. Qin, N., and D.-L. Zhang, 2018: On the extraordinary intensification of Hurricane Patricia (2015). Part I: Numerical experiments. Weather and Forecasting, 33, 1205-1224. PDF

    183. Wen, D., Y. Li, D.-L. Zhang, L. Xue, and N. Wei, 2018: A statistical study of tropical upper-tropospheric trough cells over the western North Pacific during 2006-2015. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 2469-2483. PDF

    184. Qin, N., D.-L. Zhang, W. Miller, and C. Q. Kieu, 2018: On the rapid intensification of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part IV: Inner-core dynamics during the steady RMW stage. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144, 2508-2523. PDF

    185. Li, M., D.-L. Zhang, J. Sun, and Q. Zhang, 2018: A statistical analysis of hail events and their environmental conditions in China during 2008-15. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 57, 2817-2833. PDF

    186. Liu, X., J. Wei, D.-L. Zhang, and W. Miller, 2019: Parameterizing sea surface temperature cooling induced by tropical cyclones: 1. Theory and an application to Typhoon Matsa (2005). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 1215-1231. PDF .

    187. Liu, X., D.-L. Zhang, and J. Guan, 2019: Parameterizing sea surface temperature cooling induced by tropical cyclones: 2. Verification by buoy drifters. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 124, 1231-1243. PDF .

    188. Miller, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2019: Understanding the unusual looping track of Hurricane Joaquin (2015) and its forecast errors. Monthly Weather Review. 147, 2231-2259. PDF.

    189. Zhang, D.-L., M. Jin, Y. Shou, and C. Dong, 2019: The influences of urban building complexes on the ambient flows over the Washington-Reston region. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, 1325-1336. PDF

    190. Miller, W., and D.-L. Zhang, 2019: A three-dimensional trajectory model with advection correction for tropical cyclones: Algorithm development and tests for accuracy. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 3145-3167. PDF.

    191. Cao, Z., Q. Xu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2019: A new method to diagnose cyclone-cyclone interaction and its influences on precipitation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 58, 1821-1851. PDF.

    192. Xia, R., and D.- L. Zhang, 2019: On the development of three extreme rainfall episodes along the Taihang Mountains in North China on 19-20 July 2016. Monthly Weather Review, 147, 4199-4120. PDF.

    193. Pryor, K.L., T. Wawrzyniak, and D.-L. Zhang, 2019: The College Park, Maryland Tornado of 24 September 2001. Geosciences, 9, 452. PDF.

    194. Jia, Z., F. Ren, D.-L. Zhang, C. Ding, M.-J. Yang, T. Feng, B. Chen, and H. Yang, 2020: An application of the LTP_DSEF model to heavy precipitation forecasts of landfalling tropical cyclones in 2018 over China. Science China Earth Sciences, 62, 12-26. PDF.

    195. Jiang, Z., D.-L. Zhang, and H. Liu, 2020: Roles of synoptic to quasi-monthly disturbances in generating two pre-summer heavy rainfall episodes over South China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37, 211-228. PDF.

    196. Yin, J., D.-L. Zhang, Y. Luo, and R. Ma, 2020: On the extreme rainfall event of 7 May 2017 over the coastal city of Guangzhou. Part I: Impacts of urbanization and orography. Monthly Weather Review, 148, 955-979. PDF.

    197. He, H., H. Wang, Z. Guan, H. Chen, Q. Fu, M. Wang, X. Dong, C. Cui, L. Wang, B. Wang, G. Chen, Z. Li, and D.-L. Zhang, 2020: Facilitating international collaboration on climate change research. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society,101, E650-654. PDF.

    198. Ren, F., C. Ding, D.-L. Zhang, D. Chen, H. Ren, and W. Qiu, 2020: A dynamical-statistical-analog ensemble forecast model: Theory and an application to heavy rainfall forecasts of landfalling tropical cyclones. Monthly Weather Review, 148, 1503-1517. PDF.

    199. Zhang, D.-L., 2020: Rapid urbanization and more extreme rainfall events. Science Bulletin, 65, 516-518. PDF.

    200. Yao, X., J. Ma, D.-L. Zhang, and L. Yan, 2020: A 33-yr climatology of shear lines during summer months over the Yangtze-Huai River Basin in East Asia. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 59, 1125-1137. PDF.

    201. Feng, T., F. Ren, D.-L. Zhang, W. Qiu, and H. Yang, 2020: Sideswiping tropical cyclones and their precipitation over China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37, 707-717. PDF.

    202. Jiang, X., Y. Luo, D.-L. Zhang, and M. Wu, 2020: Urbanization enhanced summertime extreme hourly precipitation over the Yangtze River Delta. Journal of Climate, 33, 5809-5826. PDF.

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    204. Yan, B., D. Liang, W. Porter, J. Huang, N. Sun, L. Zhou, T. Zhu, M. Goldberg, D.-L. Zhang, and Q. Liu, 2020: Gap filling of advanced technology microwave sounder data as applied to hurricane warm core animations. Earth and Space Sciecne,7, e2019EA000961. PDF.

    205. Liu, X., Y. Luo, L. Huang, D.-L. Zhang, and Z. Guan, 2020: Roles of double low-level jets in the generation of co-occurring inland and coastal heavy rainfall over South China during the Presummer rainy season. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere,125, e2020JD032890. PDF .

    206. Li, M., Y. Luo, D.-L. Zhang, M. Chen, C. Wu, J. Yin, and R. Ma, 2021: Analysis of a record-breaking rainfall event associated with a monsoon coastal megacity of South China using multi-source data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 59(8), 6404-6414. PDF.

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    211. Sun, X., Y. Luo, X. Gao, M. Wu, M. Li, L. Huang, D.-L. Zhang, and H. Xu, 2021: On the localized extreme rainfall over the Great Bay Area of South China with complex topography and strong UHI effects. Monthly Weather Review, 149, 2777-2801. PDF.

    212. Gao, H., Y. Luo, D.-L. Zhang, Y. Chen, Y. Wang, and X. Shen, 2021: A statistical analysis of extreme hot characteristics and their relationship with urbanization in Southern China during 2008-2017. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 60, 1301-1317. PDF.

    213. Xia, R., Y. Luo, D.-L. Zhang, M. Li, X. Bao, 2021: On the diurnal cycle of heavy rainfall in the Sichuan basin during 10 - 18 August 2020. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38, 2183-2200. PDF.

    214. Dong, C., and D.-L. Zhang, 2022: A 40-year climatology of Summer heavy hourly rainfall over mountainous Shanxi in China. International Journal of Climatology, 42, 1937-1953. PDF.

    215. Xia, R., D.- L. Zhang, S. Fu, and J. Yin, 2022: On the anomalous development of a series of heavy rainfall events from Central to North China during 19-21 July 2016. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 148, 272-293. PDF.

    216. Zou, Q., X. Cui, D.-L. Zhang, D. Zheng, and L. Chen, 2022: A statistical analysis of total lightning flashes and peak current in South China during 2017. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 61, 780-799. PDF.

    217. Sun, J., M. Cai, G. Liu, R. Yan, and D.-L. Zhang, 2022: Uncovering the intrinsic intensity-size relationship of tropical cyclones. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 79, 2881-2900, PDF.

    218. Cao, Z., S. Belair, and D.-L. Zhang, 2022: The impact of incorporating the air-lake interaction on quantitative precipitation forecasts over Southern Ontario, Canada. Weather and Forecasting, 37, 1471-1490. PDF.

    219. Ye, W., Y. Li, and D.-L. Zhang, 2022: Generation of extreme precipitation over the southeastern Tibetan Plateau associated with TC Rashmi (2008). Weather and Forecasting, 37, 2223-2238. PDF.

    220. Ren, F., L. Jia, C. Wu, C. Ding, D.-L. Zhang, Z. Jia, Y. Ma, and W. Qiu, 2023: Advances in dynamic-statistical analog ensemble forecasting and its application to precipitation prediction of landfalling typhoons: A renewed understanding (in Chinese). Acta Meteorologica Sinica, 81, 193-204. PDF.

    221. Jiang, X. D.-L. Zhang, and Y. Luo, 2023: Influences of Urbanization on Downstream Heavy Rainfall over the Yangtze River Delta region. Monthly Weather Review, 151, 815-831. PDF.

    222. Cao, Z., Q. Xu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2023: Impact of cyclone-cyclone interaction on lake-effect snowbands: A false alarm. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD037064. PDF .

    223. Guo, R., J. Guo, D.-L. Zhang, and Y. Yun, 2023: Vertical divergence profiles as detected by two windprofiler mesonets over East China: Implications for nowcasting convective storms. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 149. 1629-1649. PDF .

    224. Qie, X., Y. Zhang, D.-L. Zhang, Y. Yin, H. Yu, G. Lu, and R. Jiang, 2023: The Physics and Forecasts of Thunderstorm Weather Systems (in Chinese). Academic Press, ISBN 9787030737281, 484pp.

    225. Wu, C., F. Ren, D.-L. Zhang, J. Zhu, J.L. McBride and Y. Chen, 2023: Development of a Dynamical Statistical Analog Ensemble Forecast Model for Landfalling Typhoon Disasters. Scientific Reports, 13, 16264. PDF .

    226. Wang, M., F. Ren, D.-L. Zhang, C. Ding, and L. Jia, 2023: Heavy rainfall forecast of landfalling tropical cyclones over China with an upgraded DSAEF_LTP model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 128, e2022JD038192. PDF.

    227. Sun, J., M. Cai, G. Liu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2024: A comparative study of mathematical models for tropical cyclone intensity-size relation. Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research, 3:Article 0035. PDF.

    228. Yun, Y., D.-L. Zhang, W. Gao, J. Yin, C. Zhao, J. Li, J. Guo and H. Liu, 2024: Spatiotemporal variations of the effects of aerosols on clouds and precipitation in an extreme-rain-producing MCS in South China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,129, e2023JD040014. PDF.

    229. Chen, T., J. Guo, X. Guo, Y. Zhang, H. Xu, and D.-L. Zhang, 2024: On the multiscale processes leading to an extreme gust wind event in East China: Insights from radar windprofiler mesonet observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129,e2024JD041484, PDF.

    230. Jiang, X. D.-L. Zhang, and Y. Luo, 2025: On the relay propagation of deep convection leading to a heavy rainfall event in a weak-wind urban environment. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, e4937. PDF.

    231. Xia, R., C. Wu, D.-L. Zhang, and Y. Luo, 2025: On the Multiscale Processes Leading to Three Heavy Rainfall Episodes over Beijing and Its Periphery in July 2016. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 137, 12. PDF.

    232. Jiang, R., X. Cui, D.-L. Zhang, X. Zhou, and Z. Pei, 2025: The dominant synoptic patterns associated with frequent extreme hourly precipitation events over Southwest China during the warm seasons of 1981-2020. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, under revision.