Professor Menglin Susan Jin
Articles in Refereed Journals
Jin, M., 2018: -
The Relationship Between Surface Temperatures and Building Electricity Use:
A Potential New Weather Application
file of the paper
- Journal of Building and Sustainability, 2018, vol1.
Zhang, H. M. Jin, M. Leach, 2017: -
A Study of the Oklahoma City Urban Heat Island Effect Using a WRF/Single-Layer Urban Canopy Model, a Joint Urban 2003 Field Campaign, and MODIS Satellite Observations.
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- Climate 2017, 5(3), 72; doi:10.3390/cli5030072.
Jin, M, Y. Li and Debin Su, 2015: -
Urban-induced mechanisms for an extreme rainfall event in Beijing.
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- Climate 2015, 3(1), 193-209; doi:10.3390/cli3010193
Jin, M, T. Mullens, and H. Bartholomew, 2014 -
Evaluate CLM skin temperature and soil moisture simulation using ARM ground observation.
file of the paper
- Climate 2014, 2.
Paper accessible at
Henry Bartholomew and Menglin S. Jin, 2013: -
ENSO Effects On Land Skin Temperature Variations: A Global Study From Satellite Remote Sensing And NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis.
file of the paper
- Climate, 1(2), 53-73; doi:10.3390/cli1020053.
Jin, S. M. 2012: -
Developing an Index to Measure Urban Heat Island Effect
Using Satellite Land Skin Temperature and Land Cover Observations
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- J. of Climate, vol 25, 6193-6201.
Jin, S. M. and T. J. Mullens, 2012: -
Land-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions Over Tibetan Plateau from MODIS Observations.
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Environ. Res. Lett. 7 (2012) 014003. (T. J. Mullen is a SJSU graduate student)
Jin, M., Wittaya Kessomkiat and Gary Pereira, 2011: -
Satellite-Observed Urbanization Characters in Shanghai, China: Aerosols, Urban Heat Island Effect, and
Land-Atmosphere Interactions
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Remote Sensing 2011, 3, 83-99; doi:10.3390/rs3010083
Jin, M. and R. E. Dickinson, 2010: -
Land Surface Skin Temperature Climatology:
Benefitting from the Strengths of Satellite Observations
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Environ. Res. Lett. 5 044004
Jin, M., J. M. Shepherd, and W. Zheng, 2010: -
Urban Surface Temperature Reduction via the
Urban Aerosol Direct Effect
------A Remote Sensing and WRF Model Sensitivity Study
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Advances in MeteorologyVolume 2010 (2010), Article ID 681587, 14 pagesdoi:10.1155/2010/681587
Jin, M. 2009: -
Comparing Surface Height Simulated in a Model with that Observed by ICEsat: Effects on Skin Temperature
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Advances in Meteorology. Vloume 2009, Article ID 189406, doi:10.1155/2009/189406.
Jin, M. and J. M. Shepherd, 2008: -
Aerosol Relationships to Warm Season Clouds and Rainfall at Monthly Scales Over East China: Urban-land vs. Ocean
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JGR, vol 113, D24S90, doi:10:1029/2008JD010276.
Jin, M., J. M. Shepherd, C. Peters-Lidard, 2007: -
Development of a parameterization for simulating the urban temperature hazard using satellite observations in climate model.
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Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069-007-9117-2
Jin, M., 2006: -
MODIS observed seasonal and interannual variations of atmospheric conditions associated with hydrological cycle over Tibetan Plateau.
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Geophys. Res. Lett., 33, L19707, doi:10.1029/2006GL026713.
Jin, Menglin and S. Liang 2006: -
Improving Land Surface Emissivity Parameter of Land Surafce Modele in GCM
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J. of Climate. 19, 2867-2881
Jin, M, R. E. Dickinson, and D-L. Zhang, 2005:
The footprint of urban areas on global climate as characterized by MODIS.
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Journal of Climate, vol. 18, No. 10, pages 1551-1565
Jin, M., J. M. Shepherd, M. D. King, 2005:
Urban aerosols and their interaction
with clouds and rainfall: A case study for New York and Houston.
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J. Geophysical Research, 110, D10S20, doi:10.1029/2004JD005081.
Jin, M. and J. M. Shepherd, 2005:
On including urban landscape in land surface
model - How can satellite data help?
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Bull. AMS, vol 86, No. 5, 681-689.
Shepherd, M. J. and M. Jin 2004:
Linkages between the Urban Environment and Earth's Climate System.
EOS, 85, 227-228
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Jin, M., 2004
Analysis of Skin Temperature Variations Using Long-Duration AVHRR Observations
Bull. Am. Met. Soc., 85, No. 4, 587-600, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-85-4-587.
PDF file of the paper
Jin, Menglin and R. E. Treadon 2003:
Correcting Orbit Drift Effects of AVHRR on Skin Temperature Measurements
International Journal of Remote Sensing. 24, 4543-4558.
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Jin, Menglin and R. E. Dickinson 2002:
New Observational Evidence for Global Warming from Satellite Data Set.
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Geophys. Res. Lett., 29(10), 10.1029/2001GL013833.
Jin, Menglin and D. Zhang, 2002
Changes and interactions between skin temperature and leaf area
index in summer 1981-1998
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 80, 117-129
File of the paper
Jin, Menglin and R. E. Dickinson 2000:
A Generalized algorithm for retrieving cloudy sky skin temperature from satellite thermal infrared radiances.
Journal of Geophysical Research,D22, 27,037-27,047.
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Jin, Menglin, 2000:
Interpolation of surface radiation temperature measured from polar
orbiting satellites to a diurnal cycle. Part 2: Cloudy-pixel Treatment.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, D3, 4061-4076.
PDF file of the paper
Jin, Menglin, 1999:
Interpolation of surface radiation temperature measured from polar
orbiting satellites to a diurnal cycle.
Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Arizona, Tucson,
243pp. [Available from UA Library]
Jin, Menglin and R. E. Dickinson, 1999:
Interpolation of surface radiation temperature measured from polar
orbiting satellites to a diurnal cycle. Part 1: Without Clouds.
Journal of Geophysical Research volume 104, 2105-2116.
PDF file of the paper
Jin, Menglin, R.E. Dickinson, and A. M. Vogelmann, 1997: -
A Comparison of CCM2/BATS Skin Temperature and Surface-Air
Temperature with Satellite and Surface Observations.
Journal of Climate, volume 10, 1505-1524.
PDF file
-- Last updated April 2018